Special Education

Our schools freely and appropriately educate students identified with special needs/abilities in the least restrictive environment suitable for their individual needs in accordance with federal and state laws. We offer educational and support services in and out of the classroom that supports the academic, social, and developmental achievement of every student.

We are dedicated to meeting the individual needs of students whether they require functional academic support, a replacement curriculum, behavioral interventions, or social skills training.

Special Education Services Survey

The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education (BSE) monitors all school districts and charter schools in the state at least once every six years to ensure that they are complying with federal and state regulations for special education. Your school district/charter school will be monitored this year. As part of this monitoring, the BSE is seeking parent opinions about the special education services being provided. In addition to surveying parents, we are also interested in hearing directly from students about their educational experience. If your child is 14 years of age or older, we invite them to complete a student survey. Although parents and students 14 years of age or older are not required to participate in the survey, the BSE encourages them to do so. Parents and students must complete the survey no later than February 11, 2022.

ODR Presentation

On Thursday, January 14, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., the local task force will host Susan Peravento, Consultline Specialist/ODR. The purpose of the presentation would be to provide an overview of ODR’s services and to explain the purpose of each of those services.  The training will be virtual, as restrictions and guidelines pertaining to COVID-19 are still very much in the forefront of everyone’s minds. Please check out our local task force letter for the Zoom link and more important information.

Working Together for Successful Transition to Adult Life Webinar

PEAL is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, June 2 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. for families and young adults featuring the leaders from the Pennsylvania Departments of Education, Labor and Industry, and Human Services. They will highlight current and future opportunities for transition-age youth, especially those who are graduating or who recently graduated and may have missed in-person support and instruction, employment opportunities, and community engagement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see our parent announcement for more information.

Article IV

Special education is specially designed instruction, support, and services provided to students with an identified disability that requires an individually-designed instructional program to meet their unique learning needs. 

At Moniteau, special education and related services are available to eligible students between the ages of three (3) and 21. These children must:

  • have an identified disability that negatively affects their educational performance; and
  • require a specially-designed instructional program.

To ensure students with disabilities experience success, our special educators work with general educators in the following capacities:

  • Provide consultation regarding differentiated instructional strategies
  • Co-teach
  • Tutor
  • Provide learning aids and other accommodations
  • Provide pull-out services and replacement curriculums

Our specialists use various instructional techniques to provide accommodations and/or modifications that help meet student needs. An accommodation is a reasonable adjustment in teaching practices that allow students with disabilities to learn the same material but in a more accessible format. For example, we may accommodate a student with visual impairments by providing large-print textbooks. A modification changes or adapts curriculum to make it simpler. For example, we may modify a spelling assignment by only requiring a student with disabilities to learn five words instead of ten. Some students receive both accommodations and modifications according to their IEP.

Special Education Team

Maura Pry
Secretary for Special Education and Guidance
(724) 637-2091, ext. 1705

Dustin Thompson
Coordinator of Student Support Services
(724) 637-2091, ext. 1450

Bridget Vissari
(724) 637-2117, ext. 3211